- Lucas Coene null
Supervisor: Lieven Tytgat
- Robbe Coppens null
Supervisor: Lieven Tytgat
- Wito De Neve Finding Bugs in Security-critical Linux Applications
Supervisor: Bart Coppens
- Bram Debode Generative AI and Large Language Models for Software Deobfuscation
Supervisors: Bjorn De Sutter, Thomas Demeester
- Robbe Delporte Schaalmodelsimulatie van meerdradige toepassingen op multi-core processors
Supervisor: Lieven Eeckhout
- Bart Ertveldt Architecting Optically Interconnected MCM-GPU systems
Supervisor: Lieven Eeckhout
- Lucas Faulconer null
Supervisor: Lieven Tytgat
- Gilles Mahieu null
Supervisor: Lieven Tytgat
- Carole-Anne Nzohabonayo Sustainable Computer Architecture: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Computing
Supervisor: Lieven Eeckhout
- Pim Pieters Sustainable Computer Architecture: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Computing
Supervisor: Lieven Eeckhout
- Aaron Sys Malware Development, Evading AV & EDR systems
Supervisor: Bjorn De Sutter
- Wannes Sys Optimizing kernels and data streams of Python programs using FPGAs
Supervisors: Erik D'Hollander, Dirk Stroobandt
- Helena Van Breugel De impact van parallellisme in software op de duurzaamheid van multi-coreprocessors
Supervisor: Lieven Eeckhout
- Midas Van den Bulcke Next-level Multi-Variant Execution to Defend against Memory Exploits
Supervisors: Bjorn De Sutter, Bart Coppens
- Robbe Van Rijsselberghe Finding Bugs in Security-critical Linux Applications
Supervisor: Bart Coppens
- Noah Vandamme Machine Learning for Software Protection/Obfuscation Decision Support
Supervisor: Bjorn De Sutter
- Stijn Verbeken Finding Bugs in Security-critical Linux Applications
Supervisor: Bart Coppens
- Guillaume Verhamme Next-level Multi-Variant Execution to Defend against Memory Exploits
Supervisors: Bjorn De Sutter, Bart Coppens
- Ruben Verheyden Sustainable Computer Architecture: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Computing
Supervisor: Lieven Eeckhout
- Tijs Verheyden null
Supervisor: Lieven Tytgat
- Pjotr Visman Decompilation of Obfuscated Binary Executables
Supervisor: Bjorn De Sutter
- Hannes Wille Novel Metrics and Tool Support for Evaluating Software Protection Strength
Supervisor: Bjorn De Sutter
- Arnaud Wouters null
Supervisor: Lieven Tytgat
- Xander Zhu
Supervisor: Dirk Stroobandt